- The online rooms booking services are available for use of all students, faculty, and staff in the University.
- Campus user can only accessing to this online rooms booking services while on campus.
- This system allows students, faculty and staff, to reserve a room as a venue for researchers, discussion and work together. Also, it will enable facilities booking in near future.
- Login using Campus ID and password. Note: visit https://id.xmu.edu.my if you forgotten your Campus ID password
- Use of the rooms is on a first come first served basis.
- Some rooms reservation may require for room administrator approval.
- Use of the room is limited to a minimum of 4 persons.
- The following are prohibited inside the discussion rooms:
- Removal of chairs and other pieces of furniture
- Removal or changing of the equipment setting will cause disruption to the class.
- Gambling/movie/karaoke
- Leaving personal belongings unattended
- No food and drink allows, except plain drinking water
- Visit http://rooms.xmu.edu.my/ to start room booking and for more information.
Note: You can only access to this system via campus network.