Data Centre Services

Web Hosting

Website hosting service is meant for the respective departments, faculties and student associations within the University.

The XMUM Website hosting service aims at providing a consolidated, fully monitored and secured website hosting service for University’s faculties, departments, units and projects to publish and distribute information through setting up corresponding websites/homepages, so as
to facilitate teaching and learning interactions, research activities and other educational purposes related to XMUM.

To apply for the XMUM Website hosting service, please fill in the Website Service Hosting Request Form.

In order to protect the stability and security of the hosting service infrastructures and the websites resided in, the Website Service Hosting Policy has to be established as below.
Website Service Hosting Policy

Server Hosting

...coming up soon

For further assistance, email or raise AskA. IT support will be attending to your request during working hours (Monday - Friday).